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caviar artinya

contoh kalimat "caviar"
  • They promise caviar and leave me eating dust
    They promise caviar and leave me eating dust
  • This caviar is bought for my girlfriend's brother brother?
    Barry paman Apa yang terjadi di sini?
  • Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles.
    Kalau bukan karena telur atau simpati akan makanannya.
  • You ever had, uh -- you ever had caviar?
    Anda pernah, uh - Anda pernah kaviar?
  • Listen to me. The Caviar Sweep scenario is not real.
    Dengar. skenario Caviar Sweep itu tak nyata.
  • And you've never had caviar before, have you?
    Dan kau tak pernah makan kaviar sebelumnya?
  • Any strange cravings for beluga caviar or Marcel Proust?
    Ngidam Beluga Caviar atau Marcel Proust?
  • There was champagne and caviar and millionaires everywhere.
    Ada sampanye, kaviar dan jutawan di mana-mana.
  • "A shirred egg topped with a dollop of caviar
    "Telur panggang yang atasnya diberi sedikit telur ikan..."
  • And I suppose you want caviar with that?
    Dan saya kira Anda ingin kaviar itu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • salted roe of sturgeon or other large fish; usually served as an hors d''oeuvre
    Sinonim: caviare,