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chamfer artinya

contoh kalimat "chamfer"
  • Exclusive for Drilling Machines - Indexable Chamfer King
    Eksklusif untuk Mesin Bor - Indexable Chamfer King
  • 2. Additional chamfer reduces burrs and edge chipping.
    Chamfer tambahan mengurangi burry dan gompalnya mata potong.
  • Cut square or slightly chamfer, at manufacturer’s option(not illustrated)
    Potong persegi atau sedikit talang, pada pilihan produsen(tidak digambarkan)
  • This automatic function creates a chamfer with very little effort.
    Fungsi otomatis ini menciptakan talang dengan sedikit usaha.
  • Triple-layer bushing Chamfer Inner and outer ends
    Triple-layer bushing Chamfer Ujung dalam dan luar
  • OPT CBN chamfer cutter for roll turning
    OPT CBN chamfer pemotong untuk memutar roll
  • The chamfer function is slightly changed for position 2 setting.
    Fungsi talang sedikit berubah untuk posisi 2 pengaturan.
  • Bevel, Round, Chamfer, Half Bull-nose, Full Bull-nose, Ogee, Laminated, etc.
    Bevel, bulat, Chamfer, setengah Bull-hidung, Laminated penuh Bull-hidung, Ogee, dll.
  • Chamfer Rectangle Freestanding Bathtub - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China
    Chamfer Rectangle Freestanding Bathtub - pabrikan, pabrik, pemasok dari Cina
  • (Total 24 Products for Chamfer Grinding Machine)
    Rumah > Produk-produk > Chamfer Grinding Machine(Jumlah 24 produk untuk Chamfer Grinding Machine)
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees
    Sinonim: bevel, cant,

  • Kata kerja
  • cut a furrow into a columns
    Sinonim: furrow, chase,

  • cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel; "bevel the surface"
    Sinonim: bevel,