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cheek artinya

pengucapan: [ tʃi:k ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: cheeked   kata kerja past continuous: cheeked   kata benda plural: cheeks   kata kerja present continuous: cheeking   
contoh kalimat "cheek"
  • This'll put the color back in your cheeks.
    This'II menempatkan coIor yang kembali ke pipi Anda.
  • I see. Has the bleeding on your cheek stopped yet?
    Apa "pendarahan" di "pipimu" telah berhenti?
  • How is that 'sindoor' on your cheek?
    Bagaimana adalah bahwa ' sindoor ' di pipi Anda?
  • I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!
    Aku hanya ingin menggigit Gemuk sekali pipinya!
  • He didn't believe in turning the other cheek.
    Dia tidak percaya dalam mengubah pipi yang lain.
  • Back o' my legs, my ass, my ass cheeks.
    Balik lagi dari kaki, pantat, pipi pantatku.
  • It's mainly the cheek muscles do that, from
    Ini terutama otot pipi melakukan hal itu, dari
  • You wanna put one on the cheek?
    Jika tidak, orang-orang akan berpikir ada sesuatu yang terjadi.
  • It's simple, if you speak your cheeks explode.
    Ini gampang, jika kau bicara rahangmu akan meledak.
  • And I felt the tears other their cheeks.
    Dan aku merasakan air mata lainnya pipi mereka.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • impudent aggressiveness; "I couldn''t believe her boldness"; "he had the effrontery to question my honesty"
    Sinonim: boldness, nerve, brass, face,

  • either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump
    Sinonim: buttock,

  • either side of the face below the eyes

  • an impudent statement
    Sinonim: impudence, impertinence,

  • Kata kerja
  • speak impudently to