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chelsea artinya

contoh kalimat "chelsea"
  • chelsea
  • Who you think you got, Chelsea Grammer--Chelsea--
    Siapa yang kau pikir kau culik, Chelsea Grammer.. Chelsea..
  • Who do you think you got, Chelsea Clinton?
    Siapa yang kau pikir kau culik, Chelsea Clinton?
  • No-one loved Chelsea more than me and Rod.
    Tak ada yang mencintai Chelsea lebih dariku Rod.
  • Wonderful crowd of supporters the teams Chelsea, Aston, Liverpool
    Kerumunan indah pendukung tim Chelsea, Aston, Liverpool
  • Chelsea, i know what you said before ..
    Chelsea, tentang apa yang dikatakan Sekarang bisa ..
  • I thought you and Chelsea were watching the dogs.
    Kupikir kau dan Chelsea sedang menonton anjing.
  • Chelsea, I just really want you to know something.
    Chelsea, aku cuma ingin kau tahu sesuatu.
  • We know you're not too good for Chelsea.
    Kami tahu kau tak terlalu baik untuk Chelsea.
  • The Curzon I can understand, but Chelsea Barracks?
    The Curzon Aku bisa mengerti, tapi Chelsea Barracks?
  • Chelsea assured that the Aviary is safe and secure.
    Chelsea meyakinkan bahwa Aviary aman dan aman.
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