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chest artinya

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kata benda plural: chests   
contoh kalimat "chest"
  • They left my chest open for two weeks.
    Mereka membiarkan dada saya terbuka selama 2 minggu
  • Get out there and get her medicine chest!
    Dapatkan di luar sana dan mendapatkan lemari obat-nya!
  • Now, is that the treasure chest of a pirate?
    Sekarang, adalah bahwa harta dada bajak laut?
  • I do. I guess my chest has gotten kind of droopy. Aish.
    Benar dadaku terasa longgar.
  • The chest the Hebrews carried the Ten Commandments in.
    Dada Ibrani Sepuluh Perintah Allah membawa masuk
  • Everybody could stand 100 chest x-rays a year.
    Semua orang bisa berdiri sinar x-100 dada setahun.
  • First shot I got him right in the chest.
    Tembakkan pertama... aku dapatkan dia bukan uang.
  • I saw you looking at that boy's chest film.
    Aku melihatmu memandang foto dada anak tadi.
  • The President was shot in the chest, and the assailant
    Presiden ditembak di dada, dan penyerang
  • No, the second goes higher on the chest.
    Tidak, tembakan kedua mestinya lebih tinggi, di dada.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy

  • furniture with drawers for keeping clothes
    Sinonim: chest of drawers, bureau, dresser,

  • the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates
    Sinonim: thorax, pectus,

  • the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen; "he beat his breast in anger"
    Sinonim: breast,