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ci artinya

contoh kalimat "ci"
  • ci
  • You said your CI works with the Old Guard.
    Kau bilang informanmu bekerja di Garda Lama.
  • Dozens of species of fish live in Ci Tanduy.
    Puluhan jenis ikan hidup di Ci Tarum.
  • In diploid organisms CI leads to embryonic mortality.
    Proses proliferasi ini menandai inisiasi embriogenesis somatik .
  • He also joined CI Entertainment.
    Tetapi ia juga tahu kalau kita berada di tengah bisnis hiburan.
  • You got no strings Comme ci, comme ca Your savoir faire is ooo-la-la
    Andapunyastring Commeci,commeca savoirfaireAnda adalahooo-la-la
  • What did you tell 'em about the CI?
    Apa yang kau katakan pada mereka mengenai informan itu?
  • I know a CI that can help find Chayton.
    Aku tahu informan yang bisa bantu menemukan Chayton.
  • But my true identity is in fact KoKo Ci.
    Tetapi nama asli saya adalah... KokoCi!
  • No, but our CI says he's a sleeper.
    Tidak, tapi informan kita bilang dia mata-mata.
  • The new CI tell you to go back to the station.
    CI baru memintamu untuk kembali ke stasiun.
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