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clough artinya

contoh kalimat "clough"
  • He was chosen because of his physical resemblance to Clough.
    Dia dipilih karena kemiripan fisik dengan Clough.
  • Clough eventually became president of the college.
    Farel akhirnya menjadi seorang pengurus perguruan tinggi tersebut.
  • "Clough takes over as Derby boss".
    Diakses tanggal 17 Juni 2010. ^ "Clough takes over as Derby boss".
  • Case section at Clough here.
    Seksi kasus Clough di sini.
  • Frears had Michael Sheen in mind for Clough right from the start.
    Frears memiliki Michael Sheen dalam pikiran untuk hak Clough dari awal.
  • After the interview, Clough drives down to Brighton to patch things up with Taylor.
    Setelah wawancara, Clough menyetir ke Brighton untuk berbaikan dengan Taylor.
  • It involves Clough literally on his knees, grovelling at Taylor's dictation, and they are reconciled.
    Clough berlutut, menyembah-nyembah di depan Taylor, dan mereka berdamai.
  • Derby fans quickly lose interest and Clough loses all hope of getting his job back.
    Penggemar Derby kehilangan minat dan Clough kehilangan semua harapan mendapatkan pekerjaannya kembali.
  • They suffer injuries and Billy Bremner (Stephen Graham) sarcastically wishes Clough well for the semifinal.
    Mereka menderita luka-luka dan Billy Bremner (Stephen Graham) dengan sinis menyelamati Clough untuk semifinal.
  • During the holiday that summer, Clough agrees to take control of Leeds after being approached by their representative.
    Selama liburan, Clough setuju untuk melatih Leeds setelah didekati oleh perwakilan mereka.
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