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coesfeld artinya

contoh kalimat "coesfeld"
  • coesfeld
  • Easter Greetings from the sisters in Coesfeld, Germany!
    Salam Paska dari para Suster di Coesfeld, Jerman!
  • Invitation to pray in front of the Coesfeld crucifix
    Undangan untuk berdoa di depan Salib Coesfeld
  • Crib Exhibition by Haus Emmaus, Coesfeld, Germany
    Pameran Palungan Natal oleh Haus Emmaus, Coesfeld, Jerman
  • Visit the Sisters of Notre Dame in Coesfeld, Germany
    Kunjungilah Website Suster-suster Notre Dame di Coesfeld, Jerman
  • Germany ~ Coesfeld ? Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame
    Jerman – Coesfeld ? Kongregasi Suster-suster Notre Dame
  • Arrival of the international community in Coesfeld ? Blog Archive? Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame
    Kedatangan Komunitas Internasional di Coesfeld ? Blog Archive? Kongregasi Suster-suster Notre Dame
  • Crib Exhibition by Haus Emmaus, Coesfeld, Germany ? Blog Archive? Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame
    Pameran Palungan Natal oleh Haus Emmaus, Coesfeld, Jerman ? Blog Archive? Kongregasi Suster-suster Notre Dame
  • Easter Greetings from the sisters in Coesfeld, Germany! ? Blog Archive? Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame
    Salam Paska dari para Suster di Coesfeld, Jerman! ? Blog Archive? Kongregasi Suster-suster Notre Dame
  • The sisters from Coesfeld asked to share the beautiful photo they took with all the sisters around the world – along with their wishes for a Happy Easter for everyone.
    Para Suster di Coesfeld minta untuk membagikan foto cantik ini kepada para Suster di seluruh dunia dengan ucapan “Selamat Paska” kepada setiap Suster.
  • In 2008, the Mülhausen, Coesfeld, and Vechta provinces merged to form one German province of the Sisters of Notre Dame centered in Coesfeld, the birthplace of our Congregation.
    Pada tahun 2008 provinsi-provinsi Mülhausen, Coesfeld, dan Vechta bergabung untuk membentuk satu provinsi Suster-suster Notre Dame Jerman yang berpusat di Coesfeld, tempat kelahiran kongregasi kita.
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