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cog-wheel artinya

contoh kalimat "cog-wheel"
  • These emblems are all enclosed within a circle whose right half is formed by cog-wheel, representing the industrial workers, and whose left half is a half-wreath of maize and cotton leaves, representing agriculture.
    Lambang ini dikelilingi bundaran setengah besi mewakili para pekerja industri, dan setengah bagian lagi kopi dan kapas mewakili industri-industri tersebut.
  • This twin-cylinder locomotive was not heavy enough to break the edge-rails track and solved the problem of adhesion by a cog-wheel using teeth cast on the side of one of the rails.
    Lokomotif bersilinder kembar ini tidak cukup berat untuk memecahkan rel pinggir, namun menyelesaikan masalah adhesi dengan roda gigi yang menggelinding di atas rak gigi pada sisi salah satu rel.