coherent artinya
pengucapan: [ kəu'hiərənt ] audio:
- coherent light: cahaya sederap
- coherent radiation: radiasi koheren
- coherent scattering: hamburan koheren
- coherent state: keadaan sederap
- coherent scattering cross section: tampang-lintang hamburan sederap
- coherency matrix: matriks kesederapan
- coherency: lekat; masuk akal; koheren; kesatuan; kohesi; paduan; kepaduan; konsisten; koherensi
- coherence length: panjang koherens
- coherence interval: selang kesederapan
- coherence: lekat; koherensi; pertalian; konsisten; kepaduan; paduan; kohesi; koheren; masuk akal; kesatuan
- He was completely coherent when he left my office.
Dia benar-benar sehat saat dia meninggalkan kantorku. - Our government operates as one coherent entity?
Pemerintah kita beroperasi sebagai satu kesatuan yang koheren? - Though he's having a hard time being coherent.
Meskipun dia memiliki waktu sulit memberi kesaksian. - He'd be coherent one day and incoherent the next.
Kadang ia sadar, kadang tidak. - We're gonna break you out, buddy. - Jeff Chang! - He's barely coherent.
Kami akan membawamu kabur, sobat! - Antoine Bussy prepared it in coherent form in 1831.
Antoine Bussy mempersiapkannya dalam bentuk yang koheren pada tahun 1831. - Emergency summit with urban family... for coherent discussion of career crisis.
KTT darurat dengan keluarga perkotaan... untuk diskusi ttg pekerjaan. - Nothing coherent, thank God.
Tidak ada yang masuk akal. Terima kasih Tuhan. - Cave wall kind of stuff, but just with more of a coherent style.
Seperti lukisan dinding goa, tapi lebih jelas. - He's weak, and he'll need another transfusion, but he's coherent.
Ya. Dia lemah, dan dia butuh transfusi lagi, tapi dia membaik.
- Kata sifat
- (physics) of waves having a constant phase relation
- marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument"
Sinonim: consistent, logical, ordered, Kata sifat - sticking together; "two coherent sheets"; "tenacious burrs"
Sinonim: tenacious, - capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; "a lucid thinker"; "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident"
Sinonim: logical, lucid,