cold artinya
pengucapan: [ kəuld ] audio:
kata benda plural: colds
- dingin
- kedinginan
- kesejukan
- sejuk
- selsema
- selesma
- ppok
- lama
- selésma
- dignin
- influensa
- zalim
- kejam
- basi
- adem
- frigid
- di?in
- masuk angin
- menyuramkan
- pilek
- flu
- lapuk
- udara dingin
- bersin
- memuramkan
- a cold snap: dingin mendadak
- a cold sweat: ketakutan
- catch a cold: mendapat selesema
- catched a cold: masuk angin
- catching a cold: masuk angin
- cold air: udara dingin
- cold and flat: dingin dan datar
- cold as a stone: sangat dingin
- cold blooded: berdarah dingin; kejam
- cold calling: jualdadak
- cold cathode: katode dingin
- cold chain: rantaian sejuk
- cold chisel: pahat besi
- cold climate: udara dingin
- cold comfort: hiburan tidak menyenangkan; pelipur lara; angkuh
- It's freezing cold, and that thin air really gets you.
Dinginnya membeku, dan udaranya benar-benar menyiksa. - NOW, YOU TAKE CARE OF THOSE COLDS!
SEKARANG , lu MENGAMBIL PERAWATAN DARI MEREKA pilek ! - No point catching cold in the rain.
Tidak ada gunanya menangkap dingin di tengah hujan . - I put you a cold plate on ice.
Aku menempatkan Anda sepiring dingin di atas es. - Come down, boy, if you've a taste for cold steel.
Turunlah, Bocah, kalau ingin merasakan pedangku. - It'd be cold and damp like a grave.
Itu akan menjadi dingin dan lembab seperti kuburan. - A bit cold and pointless, isn't it, my lovely?
Sedikit dingin dan tak ada habis-habisnya sayang? - Just till Krug comes back. I'm really cold.
Hanya sampai Krug datang kembali. Saya benar-benar dingin. - Are you shivering out of cold or fear ?
Apakah anda menggigil dari dingin atau takut? - The white clouds are ammonia crystals, high and cold.
Awan putih amonia kristal, tinggi dan dingin.
- Kata sifat
- having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer"
- extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold"
- lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave"
- of a seeker; far from the object sought
- unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold"
- feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play"
- having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent"
- without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction"
Sinonim: cold-blooded, inhuman, insensate, - sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman"
Sinonim: frigid, - so intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him"
- lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news"
Sinonim: stale, dusty, moth-eaten, - marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started"
- (color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey"
- the absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold"; "cold is a vasoconstrictor"
Sinonim: coldness, low temperature, frigidity, frigidness, - the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"
Sinonim: coldness, - a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
Sinonim: common cold,