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collector artinya

kata benda plural: collectors   
contoh kalimat "collector"
  • So you want me to be a collector now!
    jadi kamu ingin aku jadi Collector sekarang!
  • An avid collector, very interested in the case.
    Seorang kolektor maniak, sangat tertarik dalam kasus ini.
  • Every collector likes the unique piece, you know.
    Setiap kolektor menyukai potongan yang unik, Anda tahu.
  • Mr. Manav, Mr. Manav, People elect leaders... not Collectors.
    Tn. Manav, Tn. Manav, Masayarakat memilih pemimpin
  • All the private Jewish collectors, by decree, are illegitimate.
    ASemua koleksi pribadi Yahudi, keputsannya, tidak sah.
  • They started with the Jewish collectors in 1940.
    Mereka memulai dengan kolektor yahudi di tahun 1940.
  • The collector who died was very honest man.
    Kolektor yang meninggal adalah orang yang sangat jujur.
  • Debts, screaming phone calls, bill collectors at the door.
    Hutang, teriakan telepon, penagih tagihan didepan pintu.
  • The Collector told me everything about your wife.
    Kolektor telah mengatakan pada saya tentang istri anda.
  • Collector in Dubai offered me 150 G's for it.
    Kolektor di Dubai menawarkanku $150.000 untuk ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the electrode in a transistor through which a primary flow of carriers leaves the region between the electrodes

  • a crater that has collected cosmic material hitting the earth

  • a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)
    Sinonim: gatherer, accumulator,

  • a person who collects things
    Sinonim: aggregator,