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collins artinya

contoh kalimat "collins"
  • Did you use that Knife to Kill Barbara Collins?
    Apakah Anda menggunakan Knife Kill Barbara Collins?
  • Did you collect the property from the Collins family?
    Apakah Anda mengumpulkan properti dari keluarga Collins?
  • 24 hours later, Blake and Collins were dead.
    24 jam kemudian, Blake dan Collins sudah mati.
  • Joe Blake and Terry Collins are in there
    Joe Blake dan Terry Collins ada di sana
  • Um, I need to see my boyfriend, Luke Collins.
    Um, aku harus melihat pacarku, Luke Collins.
  • Your mother insists upon you marrying Mr Collins.
    Mamamu ngotot, kau harus nikah dengan Tn. Collins
  • Anyway, the Collins are like flippin' MSA royalty.
    Oh ya, keluarga Collins itu seperti royalti MSA.
  • She's an MSA machine and Collins' crowning achievement.
    Dia mesinnya MSA dan sumber pendapatannya keluarga Collins.
  • Andie West, Director Collins would like to see you.
    Andie West, Direktur Collins ingin bertemu denganmu.
  • Mrs. Collins, he has nowhere else to go.
    Ny. Collins, dia tidak mempunyai tempat utk pergi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • tall iced drink of liquor (usually gin) with fruit juice
    Sinonim: Tom Collins,