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columbian artinya

contoh kalimat "columbian"
  • These are referred to as the "Columbian" and "pre-Columbian" hypotheses.
    Ini disebut sebagai hipotesis "Columbus" dan "pra-Columbus" secara berurutan.
  • What do a bunch of Columbian drug lords care about Al-Qaeda anyway?
    Apa yang sekelompok gembong narkoba Kolumbia pedulikan tentang Al-Qaeda?
  • Columbian University Press (1893).
    Columbia University Press didirikan tahun 1893.
  • I had a run in with some Columbian mercenaries a couple years back.
    Aku sempat bertemu beberapa tentara bayaran Kolombia beberapa tahun lalu.
  • The pygmy mammoths of the Channel Islands of California evolved from Columbian mammoths.
    Mamut pigmi di Kepulauan Channel California berevolusi dari mamut Kolumba.
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  • He's like, "Good stuff, man. Columbian. Top of the line. Top of the line."
    Dia berkata, "Barang bagus. Dari Kolumbia. Kualitas atas. Kualitas atas."
  • The junkie body we found in McCarthy's warehouse had Columbian Olvidos' heroin in her system.
    Jasad pecandu yang kita temukan di gudang McCarthy mengandung heroin Kolombia Olvidos didarahnya.
  • This picture was taken on a road leading to a drug compound deep in the Columbian jungle.
    Foto ini diambil dalam perjalanan menuju kamp narkoba didalam hutan Kolombia.
  • The Columbian mammoth colonised the Channel Islands and evolved into the pygmy mammoth.
    Sementara itu, mamut kolumbia memasuki Kepulauan Channel California dan berevolusi menjadi mamut pigmi (Mammuthus exilis).
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