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completed artinya

contoh kalimat "completed"
  • And was finally completed in the seventh century A.D.
    dan akhirnya selesai pada abad ketujuh Masehi
  • (Sighs) Well, now, I regard our arrangement as completed.
    Kalau begitu pertemuan kita Sampai disini saja.
  • Sir, the machine has been completed to all specifications.
    Pak, mesinnya sudah selesai dengan semua spesifikasi.
  • Did he really completed the race in 8 seconds?
    bisakah dia menyelesaikan lomba hanya 8 detik?
  • Completed security systems training at Fort Mead, Maryland.
    Sistem keamanan Selesai pelatihan di Fort Mead, Maryland.
  • Construction of the presidential bunker has also been completed.
    Pembangunan tempat persembunyian presiden juga telah selesai.
  • We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.
    Kami minta maaf, teleponmu tidak dapat disambungkan.
  • You have completed Level 6. Good sim score?
    Anda telah menyelesaikan level enam skornya bagus gak?
  • "the Hittites believed three stages had to be completed.
    "Bangsa Hittites percaya Tiga tahapan harus diselesaikan."
  • Tac teams completed the initial sweep-- no Nazir.
    Tim tac telah menyusuri area, tidak ada Nazir.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him"
    Sinonim: accomplished, realized, realised,

  • caught; "a completed forward pass"

  • (of a marriage) completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony