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condenser artinya

kata benda plural: condensers   
contoh kalimat "condenser"
  • There ain't nothing wrong with our freshwater condenser!
    Tdak ada yg salah dgn pemurni air kita!
  • Reads, "AF is having trouble with its freshwater condenser."
    baca, "AF lg bermasalah dgn pemurni airnya."
  • In the end, I just went with two reflux condensers.
    Akhirnya, aku hanya pakai 2 refluks kondensor.
  • I successfully ameliorated the condenser in fridges.
    Saya berhasil diperbaiki kondensor dalam lemari es.
  • Flowing from the condenser to the pressure reactor.
    Mengalir dari kondensor tekanan reaktor.
  • You buy the condenser, and I'll make out with you.
    Kau beli alat condenser, maka aku akan bermesraan denganmu.
  • We have made a water condenser.
    Kami telah membuat kondensor air.
  • Too much water for the condenser tray or the heat exchange tubing.
    Terlalu banyak air dari talang pengatur suhu atau dari tabung pendinginnya.
  • Condenser Refrigeration - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China
    Condenser Refrigeration - pabrikan, pabrik, pemasok dari Cina
  • Condenser Coil Type Copper Tube & Aluminum Fin
    Condensor Coil Tipe Koper Tube & Aluminium Fin
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge
    Sinonim: capacitor, capacitance, electrical condenser,

  • lens used to concentrate light on an object
    Sinonim: optical condenser,

  • a hollow coil that condenses by abstracting heat

  • an apparatus that converts vapor into liquid