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condensing artinya

contoh kalimat "condensing"
  • This is some sort of condensing unit. This is a plumbing part.
    Ini semacam unit kondensator.
  • Automatic evaporation tempered thermopane glass and an air-cooled condensing unit.
    Penguapan otomatis mengeraskan kaca thermopane dan unit kondensasi berpendingin udara.
  • We're condensing that one year down into less than a minute.
    Kami adalah kondensasi bahwa satu tahun turun menjadi kurang dari satu menit.
  • Operating humidity 5%-95% relative humidity, non condensing state
    Kelembaban operasi 5% -95% kelembaban relatif, keadaan non-kondensasi
  • Condensing Turbine - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China
    Condensing Turbine - pabrikan, pabrik, pemasok dari Cina
  • Commercial Condensing Units Multi Stage Energy Controlling System
    Sistem Kondensasi Komersial Multi Tahap Sistem Pengendalian Energi
  • Remote Condensing Unit Copeland Scroll, Bitzer Semi-hermetic
    Unit Kondensasi Jarak Jauh Copeland Scroll, Bitzer Semi-kedap udara
  • Hermetic Cold Storage Danfoss Condensing Unit Low Temperature
    Penyimpanan Dingin Hermetik Danfoss Condensing Unit Suhu Rendah
  • High efficiency Bitzer Condensing Unit with reciprocating compressor
    Efisiensi tinggi Bitzer Condensing Unit dengan kompresor reciprocating
  • ZB series Copeland Compressor Air Cooled Condensing Unit
    Seri ZB Copeland Compressor Unit Pendingin Udara Didinginkan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of increasing the density of something
    Sinonim: condensation,