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converged artinya

contoh kalimat "converged"
  • A colour has emerged, and it is spreading converged
    Sebuah warna telah muncul, dan menyebarkan persatuan.
  • All three assaults converged on the Polish capital of Warsaw.
    Ketiga serangan berkumpul di ibukota polandia Warsawa.
  • They converged on the truck, ran it off the road.
    Mereka memepet truk itu, keluar dari jalur jalan.
  • As the Nine Worlds converged above him?,
    Saat kesembilan dunia bersejajar di atasnya..,..
  • They just converged on you.
    Mereka hanya berkumpul pada Anda.
  • All the monsters had converged.
    Semua monster sudah berkumpul.
  • As the monsters converged,
    Saat para monster berkumpul,
  • Last Friday, five of them converged on a single spot and died together.
    Jumat lalu, lima dari mereka berkumpul di satu tempat dan mati secara bersamaan.
  • These two groups eventually converged, resulting in a great upheaval, which produced the pyramidal mound.
    Kedua kelompok ini akhirnya bertemu, menyebabkan pergolakan besar yang menghasilkan gundukan piramida.
  • I keep wondering if there was a moment when all the threads converged.
    Aku selalu bertanya-tanya apakah akan ada momen-momen di mana aku akan berguna untuk orang lain.
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