Masuk Daftar

coop artinya

kata kerja past tense: cooped   kata kerja past continuous: cooped   kata benda plural: coops   kata kerja present continuous: cooping   
contoh kalimat "coop"
  • Whatever it is, Coop, it better be good.
    Apa pun itu, Coop, lebih baik menjadi baik.
  • Coop was more than just a great football player.
    Coop lebih dari sekedar pemain football terbaik.
  • Instead, I had to stay cooped up in the hotel.
    Sebaliknya, ia tinggal di dalam hotel.
  • So, Coop, have you met George Clooney? Not yet.
    Coop, kamu udah ketemu sama George Clooney?
  • That's... exactly what I've always wanted us to be, Coop.
    Itu...adalah yang selalu aku inginkan, Coop.
  • Look, Coop would've done the same thing for me.
    Coop akan melakukan hal yang sama untukku.
  • And Coop and I will be home free.
    Dan coop dan aku akan bebas di rumah.
  • Just remember, Coop, you are literally wasting your breath.
    Ingatlah Coop, kau membuang - buang nafasmu.
  • You encounter a lot of danger here, Coop?
    Anda menghadapi banyak sekali dari bahaya sini, Kurungan?
  • Okay, Coop, I'll let you out. - All right.
    Setuju, Kurungan, Saya akan membiarkan anda terbongkar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept
    Sinonim: cage,

  • a farm building for housing poultry
    Sinonim: chicken coop, hencoop, henhouse,