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corkscrew artinya

kata kerja past tense: corkscrewed   kata kerja past continuous: corkscrewed   kata kerja present continuous: corkscrewing   
contoh kalimat "corkscrew"
  • I found you carving them with a corkscrew.
    Aku melihat Ayah mengukirnya dengan pembuka tutup botol.
  • It's hard to sleep in that corkscrew position.
    Sulit untuk tidur di posisi pembuka sumbat botol.
  • A corkscrew stabs me square in the chest... and twists.
    Timah panas menyakiti dadaku dan berputar.
  • We're supposed to meet at "The Golden Corkscrew".
    Kita seharusnya bertemu di "The Golden Corkscrew".
  • Oh, then Marquez goes through on the inside of The Corkscrew.
    Oh, Marquez nekat menyalip melalui Corkscrew.
  • And it's countered by Scooby's patented corkscrew counter crunch.
    Dan dibalas oleh jurus ala Scooby... Serangan pembuka botol.
  • It's like a corkscrew, look, it hovers... floats.
    Ini seperti pembuka botol, ini melayang..mengapung.
  • I don't know... - Got a corkscrew anywhere?
    Punya pembuka botol di suatu tempat?
  • It has a curve there called the Corkscrew.
    Ada tikungan yang disebut Corkscrew.
  • Excuse me, where is Rue Piccolo and "The Golden Corkscrew"?
    Permisi, dimana letak Rue Piccolo dan "The Golden Corkscrew"?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a bottle opener that pulls corks
    Sinonim: bottle screw,

  • Kata kerja
  • move in a spiral or zigzag course
    Sinonim: spiral,