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cornelius artinya

contoh kalimat "cornelius"
  • It was led by Jacob Cornelius van Neck.
    Ekspedisi ini dipimpin oleh Jacob Cornelius van Neck.
  • I think you should go to Cornelius.
    Aku ... Saya pikir Anda harus lihat Cornelius.
  • I want it understood, Cornelius that Hagrid has my full confidence.
    Mengertilah, Cornelius bahwa Hagrid kupercayai penuh.
  • Cornelius, why do you insist on provoking him?
    Cornelius, mengapa kau terus memancing kemarahannya?
  • Cornelius has developed the most brilliant hypothesis.
    Cornelius telah mengembangkan hipotesa yang sangat brilyan.
  • Cornelius and I have been indicted for heresy.
    Cornelius dan aku dituduh melakukan bidah.
  • Cornelius hit me for my bad behavior at the meeting.
    Cornelius menamparku karena perilaku burukku di rapat tadi.
  • Cornelius Fudge is a politician first and a wizard second.
    Cornelius Fudge lebih memilih menjadi politisi daripada penyihir.
  • Cornelius, I implore you to see reason.
    Cornelius, aku mohon kau untuk lebih bijaksana.
  • What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him.
    Tak ada masalah selama Cornelius tak tahu.
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