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corroborate artinya

contoh kalimat "corroborate"
  • The bartender who could corroborate his involvement has disappeared.
    Bartender yang dapat menguatkan keterlibatannya telah menghilang.
  • He'll corroborate everything you've said about this conspiracy.
    Dia akan membenarkan semua ucapanmu soal persekongkolan ini.
  • Is there anyone who can corroborate this claim?
    Apakah ada orang yang bisa menguatkan pernyataan ini?
  • I have names if you wish to corroborate.
    Ada beberapa nama jika kalian ingin menguatkan keterangan.
  • No one in this room will corroborate your story.
    Tak satupun orang di ruangan ini membenarkan ceritamu.
  • Do you have... anyone who can corroborate that?
    Apa kau punya hal.... yang menguatkan itu?
  • Oh, i'm just trying to corroborate my new theory
    Aku cuma berusaha menguatkan teori baruku.
  • But we can corroborate his story with Mr. McGuinn.
    Tapi kita dapat membenarkan ceritanya dengan Tn. McGuinn.
  • Now Agent Cooper's been subpoenaed to corroborate your story.
    Sekarang Agen Cooper telah dipanggil untuk menguatkan ceritamu.
  • Is there an adult who can corroborate your whereabouts?
    Apakah ada orang dewasa yang bisa menguatkan kesaksianmu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant"
    Sinonim: confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm,

  • give evidence for
    Sinonim: validate,

  • support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence"
    Sinonim: underpin, bear out, support,