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corruption artinya

contoh kalimat "corruption"
  • On the political front, the worst problem is corruption.
    di ranah politik, masalah terparah yaitu korupsi
  • Doesn't take long for corruption to take root.
    Tak butuh waktu lama bagi masalah ini mengakar.
  • Lies and corruption have replaced justice and morality
    Kebohongan dan korupsi telah diganti keadilan dan moralitas
  • What about the corruption matter we told you about already?
    Lalu bagaimana dengan anggota yang "Korup"?
  • I'm rerouting the bit stream to prevent corruption.
    Aku rerouting aliran bit untuk mencegah korupsi .
  • Even in Chicago, this kind of corruption cannot stand!
    Bahkan di Chicago, jenis korupsi tidak tahan!
  • So you see, you have built-in corruption.
    jadi kamu bisa lihat, kamu mempunyai korupsi yang terbangun.
  • Your task is to stamp out corruption within the force.
    Tugas kau adalah membasmi korupsi dikepolisian
  • The beginning of any conspiracy and of all corruption.
    Permulaan dari segala konspirasi dan semua korupsi
  • It is a corruption of both flesh and spirit.
    Ini adalah kerusakan baik jasmani dan rohani.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by commiting a felony); "he was held on charges of corruption and racketeering"

  • destroying someone''s (or some group''s) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity; "corruption of a minor"; "the big city''s subversion of rural innocence"
    Sinonim: subversion,

  • moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity"; "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction"
    Sinonim: degeneracy, depravation, depravity, putrefaction,

  • lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain
    Sinonim: corruptness,

  • decay of matter (as by rot or oxidation)

  • in a state of progressive putrefaction
    Sinonim: putrescence, putridness, rottenness,