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cosmetic artinya

pengucapan: [ kɔz'metik ]  audio:
kata benda plural: cosmetics   
contoh kalimat "cosmetic"
  • Who's going to pay for your cosmetic surgery?
    Siapa yang akan membayar untuk bedah kosmetik Anda?
  • Back up here a whole row of new cosmetics.
    Kembali ke sini keseluruhan deretan kosmetik baru.
  • Is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them?
    Apakah benar-benar perlu menguji kosmetik pada mereka?
  • Isn't that the cosmetic product that I complained about?
    Bukankah itu produk kosmemtik yang aku keluhkan?
  • Is President Kim from ViVi Cosmetics doing well?
    Apa Presiden Kim dari Kosmetik Vivi baik-baik saja?
  • He found a canopic chest with cosmetic boxes.
    Ia menemukan sebuah kotak kanopi dengan kotak-kotak kosmetik.
  • I did this little cosmetics test and I had a little reaction.
    Aku melakukan sedikit uji kosmetik
  • Perfume and cosmetics department, what's left of it anyway.
    Bagian parfum dan kosmetik. dalam keadaan yg tersisa.
  • The tank is fine, it looks like cosmetic damage.
    Tangki baik-baik saja, sepertinya kerusakan kosmetik.
  • Have you expanded to cosmetic coupons now?
    Apakah kau sekarang mulai mengumpulkan kupon kosmetik juga?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a toiletry designed to beautify the body

  • Kata sifat
  • serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body; "cosmetic surgery"; "enhansive makeup"
    Sinonim: enhancive,

  • serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose; "cosmetic fenders on cars"; "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative"
    Sinonim: decorative, ornamental,