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counterweight artinya

contoh kalimat "counterweight"
  • Each of you is a counterweight at the other.
    Anda masing-masing adalah penyeimbang di ujung lainnya.
  • [Ben] Appears to be a counterweight to hold the door open.
    [Ben] Sepertinya penyeimbang untuk menahan pintunya.
  • Any more weight, the axle will... - More counterweight!
    Jiba bebannya ditambah, as nya akan
  • There must be a gear counterweight operating the wall.
    Pasti ada penyeimbang gigi beroperasi dinding.
  • I really hadn't imagined the counterweight to be... so large.
    Aku tak bisa membayangkan, Penyeimbang pendulumnya..,.. Sangat besar.
  • Just, uh, pull him down. It's a counterweight.
    Perangkap ini berdasar keseimbangan.
  • So the damper acts as a counterweight to the movement of the building.
    Jadi damper bertindak sebagai penyeimbang gerakan bangunan.
  • Does the gate have a counterweight?
    Adakah pintu mempunyai pengimbang?
  • China has served Cambodia as a counterweight to the dominating influence of Vietnam.
    Tiongkok telah menjadikan Kamboja sebagai kontra-kekuatan dari pengaruh dominasi Vietnam.
  • -have a counterweight. Counterweight functions as a load balancer.
    -memiliki counterweight. Counterweight berfungsi sebagai peyeimbang beban.
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