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coursework artinya

contoh kalimat "coursework"
  • Let's move forward into the advanced coursework.
    Mari kita menuju ke dalam Pelajaran selanjutnya.
  • Get Best Coursework Writing Services at One Click
    Dapatkan Layanan Penulisan Kursus Terbaik di Satu Klik
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  • Learning outcomes or rationale behind the coursework
    Hasil (outcome) proses pembelajaran atau alasan perlunya diberikan tugas kursus tersebut
  • What kind of coursework and scheduling would you rather have?
    Jenis kursus apa dan penjadwalan mana yang lebih Anda sukai?
  • Facilitator Guide for each module and audio CDs for coursework
    Facilitator Guide untuk setiap modul dan CD audio untuk coursework (tugas kuliah)
  • How is the standardisation of the coursework marks for each examiner carried out?
    Bagaimanakah penyetaraan markah kerja kursus bagi setiap pemeriksa dilakukan?
  • It has been noted that books written by Berdymukhamedov, Niyazov's successor, have begun to be included in coursework.
    Namun, buku yang ditulis oleh Berdymukhamedov, pengganti Niyazov, mulai dimasukkan dalam tugas sekolah.
  • Intensive coursework which includes classes in listening, conversation, speaking, writing, English composition, grammar and reading
    Mata kuliah intensif termasuk kelas-kelas mendengarkan, percakapan, berbicara, menulis, komposisi Inggris, tata bahasa dan membaca
  • There are many different approaches to setting coursework. Here are some examples to illustrate the methodology.
    Terdapat beberapa pendekatan untuk menyiapkan tugas kursus. Berikut ini beberapa contoh untuk menggabarkan metodologi tersebut.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • work assigned to and done by a student during a course of study; usually it is evaluated as part of the student''s grade in the course