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cruiser artinya

kata benda plural: cruisers   
contoh kalimat "cruiser"
  • Dad's cruiser, the "Maya," was in formation with the fleet.
    Kapal ayah, "Maya," dalam formasi armada.
  • And there's-The statie's police cruiser is in my uncle's garage.
    Polisi itu berdiri di garasi pamanku.
  • There's a alien battle cruiser about to--
    Apa kau lupa? Ada armada penjelajah tempur asing ..
  • J boy, you still riding this loser cruiser?
    J boy, kamu masih memakai kendaraan butut ini?
  • That's an almighty win from the Blade Cruisers there.
    Kemenangan yg sempurnadari the Blade Cruisers tadi.
  • Never had this problem with the old cruisers.
    Tak pernah ada masalah dengan mobil patroli tua.
  • Marushige is presumably Marumo's cruiser force.
    Marushige yang dimaksud mungkin adalah kapal penjelajah dari armada Marumo.
  • Tom Andrews brought it up from under the abandoned cruiser.
    Tom Andrews membawanya ndari bawah cruiser ditinggalkan.
  • Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude.
    Kapal perang kita tak bisa menangkis tembakan sebesar itu.
  • Admiral Halsey's ordering the cruisers to open fire!
    Laksamana Halsey memerintahkan kapal agar siap menembak!
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