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crumb artinya

pengucapan: [ krʌm ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: crumbed   kata kerja past continuous: crumbed   kata benda plural: crumbs   kata kerja present continuous: crumbing   
contoh kalimat "crumb"
  • You have lived off the crumbs I threw to you
    Kau hidup dari remah-remah yang kubuang.
  • They ate the cake, now they want the crumbs.
    Mereka makan kue, sekarang mereka ingin remah-remah.
  • I mean, it's like "Hey, thanks for the crumb."
    Maksudku seperti, "Hei, terima kasih hal memuakkannya."
  • Or it's back to the crumbs off the table
    Atau itu kembali ke remah-remah dari meja
  • If you're lucky, I'll leave you some crumbs.
    Jika bernasib baik, aku akan tinggalkan awak sedikit.
  • No. Let her follow the bread crumbs to me.
    Jangan, Biarkan dia mengikuti remah-remah roti untukku.
  • You can follow it like a trail of bread crumbs.
    Kau bisa melihat jejaknya dengan jelas.
  • There were enough bread crumbs to get me here.
    Cukup memberi petunjuk yang membawaku ke sini.
  • I do not need more of those crumbs!
    Aku tidak perlu remah-remah itu lagi! Tidak masalah!
  • "You've got some crumbs stuck in Princess Sparkles."
    "Kau punya serpihan yang tersangkut seperti Princess Sparkles."
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • small piece of e.g. bread or cake

  • a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible person a `git''"
    Sinonim: rotter, dirty dog, rat, skunk, stinker, stinkpot, bum, puke, lowlife, scum bag, so-and-so, git,

  • a very small quantity of something; "he gave only a crumb of information about his plans"; "there were few crumbs of comfort in the report"

  • Kata kerja
  • remove crumbs from; "crumb the table"

  • break into crumbs

  • coat with bread crumbs; "crumb a cutlet"