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danish artinya

contoh kalimat "danish"
  • The first girl to disappear... was a danish tourist.
    Gadis yang pertama hilang... adalah turis denmark.
  • The Danish West Indies is a two-week journey.
    Perjalanan Denmark - Hindia Barat dua minggu lamanya.
  • It was published in several major Danish newspapers.
    Itu diterbitkan di beberapa surat kabar utama Denmark.
  • Gregory of Tours calls this king Chlochilaicus Danish.
    Gregorius dari Tours menyebut raja ini Chlochilaicus Denmark.
  • The Danish CO ordered them to northern Haderslev.
    Markas Besar Denmark memerintahkan mereka untuk utara Haderslev.
  • Danish and English are also taught in schools.
    Bahasa Denmark dan Inggris juga diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah.
  • Two Danish soldiers were killed and five wounded.
    Dua tentara Denmark tewas dan lima lainnya terluka.
  • Now it was only the small Danish community.
    Di sini terdapat minoritas Denmark yang cukup besar.
  • The Danish call it "op og ned apparat,"
    The Danish menyebutnya "op apparat ned og,"
  • One in Danish lucky up to seven years.
    Satu di Denmark beruntung sampai 7 tahun.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese
    Sinonim: danish pastry,