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decomposed artinya

contoh kalimat "decomposed"
  • Figured they fell out the body as they decomposed.
    Pikir jatuh keluar dari tubuh setelah membusuk.
  • If that body hadn't decomposed we'd fucking have her.
    Jika jasad itu tidak membusuk kami sudah menangkapnya.
  • Once the alleles are decomposed, they're gone for good.
    Setelah alel didekomposisi, itu akan hilang.
  • Blunt force trauma. Partially decomposed. "Investigation now being called a homicide.
    Kini menjadi penyidikan pembunuhan.
  • And that specimen that we found was rapidly decomposed.
    Dan spesimen yang kita temukan ini dengan cepat membusuk.
  • Not all materials need to be fully decomposed.
    Angkutan barang sama sekali tidak disubsidi.
  • Mother's Decomposed Body Left in Apartment of Woman Suicide
    Tubuh Ibu membusuk tersisa di jual apartemen Wanita Bunuh Diri
  • "Sources say the partially decomposed body found
    Sumber mengatakan jasad busuk ditemukan..
  • The body is badly decomposed and bloated.
    Tubuh membusuk parah dan mengembung.
  • "Partially decomposed body found.
    Mayat busuk ditemukan. Jasad wanita ditemukan.
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