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desire artinya

pengucapan: [ di'zaiə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: desired   kata kerja past continuous: desired   kata benda plural: desires   kata kerja present continuous: desiring   
contoh kalimat "desire"
  • "The one I desire must be around here"
    " Mata berongga hati khawatir " Kenapa dia?
  • So is their desire to use them if provoked.
    Begitu juga keinginan mereka untuk menggunakannya jikadiprovokasi.
  • All my desires are splitting my head to pieces.
    Semua keinginan saya membelah kepala saya berkeping-keping.
  • ""jealousy makes me return to you crazy with desire.""
    "Kecemburuan membuatku kembali padamu gila dengan keinginan"
  • "The wet wet season the desires of youth"
    " The musim hujan basah keinginan pemuda' '
  • We're selling temptation, desire animal instincts gluttony, sin.
    Kita menjual pencobaan, keinginan insting hewan kerakusan, dosa.
  • "...of the desired solution of the Jewish question."
    "...dari solusi yang diinginkan terhadap pertanyaan Yahudi." Demikian.."
  • ?? I have only one burning desire ??
    ?? I have only one burning desire ??
  • ?? I have only one itching' desire ??
    ?? I have only one itchin' desire ??
  • Any desire for a family of your own yet?
    Sudah punya keinginan untuk punya keluarga sendiri?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an inclination to want things; "a man of many desires"

  • the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state

  • something that is desired

  • Kata kerja
  • feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
    Sinonim: want,

  • express a desire for

  • expect and wish; "I trust you will behave better from now on"; "I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise"
    Sinonim: hope, trust,