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desk artinya

pengucapan: [ desk ]  audio:
kata benda plural: desks   
contoh kalimat "desk"
  • He stood up and moved out from behind his desk.
    Dia berdiri, dan bergerak dari mejanya.
  • That was a desk took 40-some years to build.
    Meja itu dibangun selama sekitar 40 tahun
  • That seat over there is that girl's desk.
    Meja disebelah sana itu adalah meja gadis itu.
  • He dumped that desk on top of your head.
    Makanya dia buang mejanya di atas kepalamu.
  • They're all over the room mainly on the desk.
    Sidik jarinya memenuhi ruangan... terutama di meja.
  • I know they're in here in the desk
    Aku tahu semua ada di laci meja ini
  • Looks like little pieces of plastic. - Set them on that desk.
    Taruh saja diatas meja.
  • I'll expect your gun and your badge on my desk
    Letakkan senjata dan lencanamu di mejaku
  • I found it in another drawer in the desk.
    Aku menemukannya di laci lain di meja.
  • Her letters just appear in the desk, and then
    Surat-suratnya hanya muncul di meja, dan kemudian
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments