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detector artinya

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kata benda plural: detectors   
contoh kalimat "detector"
  • What Cristine did was use our Blicket Detectors.
    Apa yang Cristine lakukan adalah menggunakan Pendeteksi Blicket.
  • Guys, motion detector just went off at Door 26.
    Kawan-kawan, sensor gerak di Pintu 26 aktif.
  • They still have that metal detector at your school?
    Kamu masih membawa pendeteksi metal itu disekolahmu?
  • So, is it like a metal detector? So, what about you?
    Jadi, ini seperti metal detektor?
  • I'm not doing well on the lie detector this week.
    Aku tak berhasil berbohong pekan ini.
  • At major events, the police carry beeper-size radiation detectors.
    Dalam peristiwa penting, polisi membawa alat pendeteksi.
  • Yeah, plastic explosives won't set off a metal detector.
    Ya, bom plastik tidak terdeteksi detektor logam.
  • He refused to take a lie detector test.
    Tetapi, ia menolak untuk menyerahkan tes uji kebohongan.
  • Do you want me to take a lie detector test?
    Apa perlu memakai detektor kebohongan?
  • The server room floor is alarmed with motion detectors.
    Lantai ruang server khawatir dengan detektor gerakan .
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
    Sinonim: sensor, sensing element,

  • electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity

  • rectifier that extracts modulation from a radio carrier wave
    Sinonim: demodulator,