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discontinued artinya

contoh kalimat "discontinued"
  • You of all people know we discontinued that promotion.
    Kalian semua tahu kami menghentikan promosi itu.
  • I bought 400 packs before they discontinued it.
    Aku membeli 400 pak sebelum mereka berhenti memproduksinya.
  • The 1-800-CALL-411 number was discontinued a few months later.
    Kemudian layanan 1-800-CALL-411 dihentikan beberapa bulan setelahnya.
  • For 2017 the 5 passenger SX Limited is discontinued.
    Untuk 5 penumpang SX Limited 2017 dihentikan.
  • Development was discontinued and only two aircraft were built.
    Pembangunan dihentikan dan hanya dua pesawat dibangun.
  • The 1.8 XV and 1.8 Ultimate were discontinued.
    Versi 1.8 XV dan 1.8 Ultimate dihentikan produksinya.
  • The 1 pound note was discontinued in 1988.
    Uang kertas 1 pound tidak dilanjutkan tahun 1988.
  • Both these experiments have been discontinued by IFAB.
    Kedua sistem tersebut tidak lagi digunakan oleh IFAB.
  • "Sixaxis Discontinued in Favor of DualShock 3".
    Fitur getar ini akhirnya dimunculkan kembali pada DualShock 3.
  • Shimmer Lavender Love number 66. Discontinued in 1984.
    Shimmer Lavender Love number 66 berhenti diproduksi tahun 1984.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • stopped permanently or temporarily; "discontinued models"; "a discontinued magazine"; "a discontinued conversation"