Masuk Daftar

discount artinya

pengucapan: [ 'diskaunt ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: discounted   kata kerja past continuous: discounted   kata benda plural: discounts   kata kerja present continuous: discounting   
contoh kalimat "discount"
  • You said you were going to give me a discount!
    Kamu bilang kamu akan memberiku diskon!
  • For friends of Rick's we have a small discount.
    untuk teman Rick, kami punya diskon spesial.
  • If 20% is too much, how about a 15% discount then?
    Off 15%, bagaimana suara itu?
  • And you're giving discounts away on my cloth?
    Dan kau memberikan diskon diri pada kain saya?
  • He's the one that checked you into the Discount Inn.
    Dia yang mendaftarkamu di Discount Inn.
  • Never mind. Since you're a student, I'll give you a discount
    lupakan. melihat kamu seorang siswa
  • Εvery senior citizen gets a discount of 50%.
    setiap Warga senior mendapat diskon sebesar 50 %.
  • Did you know he asked me for a discount?
    Tahukah kau, dia memintaku untuk memberikan diskon?
  • I wonder if A.A. has a family discount.
    Aku ingin tahu apa A.A. beri diskon keluarga.
  • Just what kind of discount are you proposing here?
    Diskon apa yang kau ajukan di sini?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5