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dislocate artinya

pengucapan: [ 'disləkeit ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "dislocate"
  • It will dampen the decibels and dislocate the sound source.
    Ini akan meredam desibel dan terkilir sumber suara.
  • But try not to dislocate a shoulder or break an arm.
    Tapi jangan sampai bahu kalian terkilir atau patah tangan.
  • Cops promised to dislocate the gangs.
    Polisi berjanji akan melepaskan mereka.
  • And if you dislocate a bone, I'll have to call a doctor.
    Dan jika Anda terkilir tulang, saya harus memanggil dokter.
  • The displacement of the joints of the limbs. Dislocate the patella. Usually they are congenital.
    Pemindahan sendi tungkai. Pisahkan patela. Biasanya mereka bawaan.
  • Act like you don't know what I'm talking about and I'll dislocate the shoulder.
    Bertindak seperti Anda tidak tahu apa yang saya bicarakan tentang dan saya akan terkilir bahu.
  • Besides fragmentation, Deconstructivism often manipulates the structure's surface skin and creates by non-rectilinear shapes which appear to distort and dislocate elements of architecture.
    Selaim terfragmentasi, dekonstruktivisme juga memanipulasi permukaan bangunan dan membuat bentuk non-rektilinear yang tampak memutarbalikkan dan "mengilir" unsur-unsur arsitektur.
    Kata kerja
  • put out of its usual place, position, or relationship; "The colonists displaced the natives"

  • move out of position; "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically"
    Sinonim: luxate, splay, slip,