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disney artinya

contoh kalimat "disney"
  • Disney Join NURV's adverture ABC is out
    Disney bergabung dg proyek NURV NBC yang sudah keluar
  • I can't believe you're moving to Disney World.
    Aku tak percaya kau pindah ke Disney World.
  • I understand your predicament, Mr. Disney, I do.
    Aku mengerti maksud anda, Tuan Disney, Aku paham.
  • Mr. Disney, sir, would you mind signing this?
    Tuan Disney, pak, Apa kau keberatan menandatangani ini?
  • You have seduced me with the music, Mr. Disney.
    Kau telah merayuku Dengan musik, Tuan Disney.
  • Hazel Grace, you did not go to Disney World.
    Hazel Grace, jangan pergi ke Disney World.
  • They make the Disney princess seem like they're bad.
    Mereka hanya membuat sang putri tampak bodoh.
  • Barks never traveled to make another Disney appearance.
    Barks pernah bepergian untuk membuat penampilan Disney lain.
  • She is currently working at Disney Feature Animation.
    Dia saat ini bekerja di Disney Feature Animation.
  • In 1989, Iwerks was named a Disney Legend.
    Pada tahun 1989, Iwerks diangkat menjadi Disney Legend.
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