doors artinya
- aircraft doors: pintu pesawat terbang
- out of doors: diluar rumah; di luar; luar
- out-of-doors: keluar rumah; luar; diluar rumah
- with closed doors: dengan rahasia; dengan tertutup
- within doors: didalam rumah
- 3 doors down albums: album 3 doors down
- behind closed doors: dengan rahasia; tertutup
- behind closed doors (sport): tanpa penonton (olahraga)
- keep open doors: suka menerima tamu
- keeping open doors: suka menerima tamu
- kept open doors: suka menerima tamu
- open doors (film): open doors (film 1990)
- platform screen doors: pintu tabir platform; pintu peron
- twelve doors of mali: dua belas pintu mali
- acoustic ep (3 doors down ep): acoustic ep (album 3 doors down)