drina artinya
- Some of those attempting to cross the Drina drowned.
Jawaban Yudistira membuat Drona jatuh lemas. - The Bridge on the Drina remains Andri?'s best known work.
Jembatan di atas Drina tetap menjadi karya Andri? yang paling dikenal. - It is resting at the confluence of the Drina and the Rzav river.
Kota tersebut berada di persimpangan sungai Drina dan Rzav. - Like Drina the cook, or Iola the tailor's wife, or Abellone the trainee guard
Seperti Drina istri si koki, atau Iola istri si pelaut, atau Abellone pelatih prajurit - The Usta?e supported the creation of a Greater Croatia that would span to the Drina river and the outskirts of Belgrade.
Usta?e mendukung pendirian negara Kroasia Raya yang terbentang hingga Sungai Drina dan perbatasan Belgrade. - The Nobel Prize winning author Ivo Andri? wrote his most famous work, The Bridge on the Drina, in Belgrade.
Seorang penulis yang berhasil memenangkan Hadiah Nobel Sastra, Ivo Andri?, menulis karyanya yang paling ternama, Jembatan di atas Drina, di Beograd. - The village is strategically located on the Drina River, which marks the line of the border between Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia.
Desa tersebut terletak di tepi kanan dari Sungai Drina, yang menghimpun perbatasan alam antara Serbia dengan Bosnia dan Herzegovina. - Historian Ferenc Makk writes that the latter title referred to Moesia, implying that Ladislaus had taken the regions between the Great Morava and Drina rivers from the Byzantine Empire.
Sejarahwan Ferenc Makk menulis bahwa gelar yang terakhir disebut Moesia, menyiratkan bahwa László telah mengambil daerah di antara sungai-sungai Morava Besar dan Drina dari Kekaisaran Bizantium.