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drydock artinya

contoh kalimat "drydock"
  • In 1891 Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company delivered its first ship, the tugboat Dorothy.
    Pada 1891, Newport News Shipbuilding mengantar kapal pertamanya, sebuah tugboat bernama Dorothy.
  • Destroyed during the American Revolutionary War, it was rebuilt and became home to the first operational drydock in the United States in the 1820s.
    Hancur selama Perang Revolusi Amerika, dibangun kembali dan menjadi rumah bagi drydock operasional pertama di Amerika Serikat pada 1820-an.
  • Designs had the drydock to be flooded, and at one exhibit visitors were to have been 19 feet (5.8 m) below ground.
    Desain akuarium memiliki dok kering yang akan diisi air, dan pada satu pameran berada sekitar 19 kaki (5,8 m) di bawah tanah.
  • In Tray It, teams had to go to the drydock at Titanic Quarter to prepare and serve the ship's last five-course dinner to a group of first-class passengers.
    Kemudian mereka harus menyiapkan dan menyajikan lima sajian menu makan malam terakhir kapal kepada sekelompok penumpang kelas satu.
  • Historically shipbreaking was carried on in drydock in developed countries, but high wages and environmental regulations have resulted in movement of the industry to developing regions.
    Dahulu pemecahan kapal dilaksanakan di dok kering di negara maju, tetapi gaji tinggi dan peraturan lingkungan telah mengakibatkan pergerakan industri ini ke wilayah yang sedang berkembang.
  • The teams had to recognize this and make their way to its successor, the Bluenose II – which was in a Lunenburg drydock at the time – where Jon was waiting for them.
    Peserta harus mengetahuinya dan berangkat ke suksesornya, Bluenose II – yang saat itu terletak di sebah dermaga kering di Lunenburg – di mana Jon menunggu mereka.
  • He was the first literary figure in China to mention the use of the drydock to repair boats suspended out of water, and also wrote of the effectiveness of the relatively new invention of the canal pound lock.
    Ia adalah tokoh literer pertama di Cina yang menyebut penggunaan galangan kering untuk memperbaiki kapal, dan juga menuliskan keefektifan penemuan pound lock.
  • Using the men provided, as well as a seating chart, teams had to choose the proper dishes for each course from a table full of unmarked plates and serve them to the passengers in the dining room at the drydock.
    Dengan menggunakan panduan menu yang disediakan beserta denah tempat duduk, tim harus memilih menu yang tepat pada tiap sajian (dari sebuah meja yang dipenuhi dengan berpiring-piring makanan tanpa nama) dan menyajikannya kepada para penumpang di ruang makan di dermaga kering.
    Kata benda
  • a large dock from which water can be pumped out; used for building ships or for repairing a ship below its waterline
    Sinonim: dry dock, graving dock,

  • Kata kerja
  • maneuver (a ship) into a drydock
    Sinonim: dry-dock,