Masuk Daftar

duration artinya

pengucapan: [ djuə'reiʃən ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "duration"
  • I'll be your handler for the duration of your assignment.
    Aku yang akan membantumu selama bertugas.
  • Changes getting my bear the duration of the longer,
    Perubahan beruangku semakin hari durasinya semakin lama,
  • I think we've got the Red Tails for the duration.
    kupikir kita punya Red Tails untuk durasi.
  • Those include the roar's resonance, the duration of the roar, and the
    Gema raungan..., Durasi raungan, Dan
  • Please remain calm and seated for the duration of the flight.
    Tolongtetaptenangdan duduk selama penerbangan.
  • Meteorological program duration will be 32 minutes and 16 seconds.
    ProgramMeteorologi berdurasi 32 menit dan 16 detik.
  • These notes tell you the length and duration.
    Catatan ini memberitahu Anda panjang dan durasi.
  • Travel and communications will be affected for the duration.
    Transportasi dan komunikasi akan terganggu selama badai berlangsung.
  • School has been cancelled for the duration of the day.
    sekolah telah dibatalkan selama hari.
  • The duration of inhibition is up to 72 hours.
    Durasi inhibisi adalah hingga 72 jam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • continuance in time; "the ceremony was of short duration"; "he complained about the length of time required"
    Sinonim: length,

  • the property of enduring or continuing in time
    Sinonim: continuance,

  • the period of time during which something continues
    Sinonim: continuance,