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duty artinya

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kata benda plural: duties   
contoh kalimat "duty"
  • Pick up the laundry and get on with your duties.
    Angkat jemurannya dan jangan lupa tugas-tugasmu.
  • I'll smoke it later when I'm off duty.
    aku akan mengisapnya saat selesai kerja. Terima kasih.
  • It is not your duty to sacrifice the sick.
    Ini bukan tugas Anda mengorbankan orang sakit.
  • The regular company, is it fit for instant duty?
    Kompi reguler, itu cocok untuk tugas instan?
  • Hey, I thought you're supposed to be off duty.
    Hei, aku pikir kamu seharusnya tidak bertugas.
  • Officer Tackleberry. You're trained for motorcycle duty?
    Petugas Tackleberry.Apa kau pernah berlatih patroli menggunakan sepeda motor?
  • There are no special duties in the training schedule.
    Tak ada tugas khusus dalam jadwal latihan.
  • It's always your duty to clean the doghouse
    Itu tugas Anda aIways ke rumah anjing cIean
  • I'm not going back up. Understand, this is my duty.
    Aku tidakakan kembali mengertilah, ini tugasku
  • Go to lift seven in the morning for mining duty.
    Pergilah ke pertambangan pada pagi nanti.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons; "the duties of the job"

  • the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr
    Sinonim: responsibility, obligation,

  • a government tax on imports or exports; "they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries"
    Sinonim: tariff,