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east artinya

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contoh kalimat "east"
  • India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South East Asian nations created.
    India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, dan negara-negara Asia Tenggara dibentuk.
  • Well, basically the East was swallowed by the West.
    Yah, pada dasarnya Timur ditelan oleh Barat.
  • Similar problems are emerging in the east as well.
    Masalah-masalah serupa juga muncul di bagian Timur.
  • That was her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East.
    Itu adiknya, Penyihir Jahat dari Timur.
  • I think we're at the East German checkpoint.
    Kurasa kita berada di pos penjagaan Jerman Timur.
  • Go check out the East Warehouse over at Lairdman Island.
    Periksalah gudang timur diatas pulau Lairdman.
  • He is Zhor, a lackey of the East Securitate.
    Dia adalah Zhor, antek dari Pasukan Timur.
    Hanya karena kau pergi kembali ketimur dan menikah,
  • Our drop point from the railway was east.
    Titik kita didrop dari kereta api adalah timur.
  • It is the east and Juliet is the sun!
    ltu di Timur, dan Juliet adalah matahari!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • to, toward, or in the east; "we travelled east for several miles"; "located east of Rome"

  • to, toward, or in the east; "we travelled east for several miles"; "located east of Rome"

  • Kata sifat
  • situated in or facing or moving toward the east

  • Kata benda
  • a location in the eastern part of a country, region, or city

  • the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees
    Sinonim: due east, eastward, E,

  • the direction corresponding to the eastward cardinal compass point