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effigy artinya

kata benda plural: effigies   
contoh kalimat "effigy"
  • So first, he burns effigies, and now he's assembling them.
    Pertama dia membakarnya, Lalu dia memajangnya.
  • Do the Syrians know what's inside the effigy?
    Apa orang Suriah tahu isi dalam patung tersebut?
  • She called me last month, asked about the effigy.
    Dia meneleponku bulan lalu, bertanya tentang patung tersebut.
  • Because the effigy of Atargatis once belonged to my father.
    Karena patung Atargatis dulunya adalah milik Ayahku.
  • The Syrians aren't getting the effigy back.
    Orang Suriah tidak akan mendapatkan patung itu lagi.
  • Beggars are also a effigy of God, son.
    Pengemis juga merupakan patung dari Tuhan, anakku.
  • Rajadis and Saneras burnt the effigy of evil Ravana, together.
    Rajadi dan Sanera membakar patung iblis Rahwana bersama-sama.
  • ..that no one would dare to burn Ravana's effigy again.
    takkan ada lagi yang berani bakar patung Rahwana.
  • Find the effigy, and you find them.
    Temukan patungnya, maka kau akan menemukan mereka.
  • Faithful citizens, we burn this effigy of the tyrant!
    Para warga , mari kita bakar simbol tirani ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture); "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln"; "the emperor''s tomb had his image carved in stone"
    Sinonim: image, simulacrum,