electro-motor artinya
- electro: elektro
- motor: aero-engine; engine; enjin; mesin; motor; naik mobil; berkereta; pandu; menaiki; memandu; menyetir; permesinan
- electro analysis: elektro analisis
- electro house: elektro house
- electro magnet: elektromagnet
- electro-biology: elektro-biologi
- electro-chemical: kimia elektro
- electro-chemistry: elektro-kimia
- electro-dynamic: elektrodinamis
- electro-dynamics: elektro-dinamika
- electro-kinetic: elektrokinetis
- electro-kinetics: elektrokinetika
- electro-magnetic: elektro magnit
- electro-optics: elektro-optik; elektro-optika
- electro-osmosis: elektro-osmosis; elektrosmosis
- This movement is carried out by means of electro-motor (Man) and it will take about four months.
Gerakan ini dilakukan dengan cara elektro-motor (pria) dan itu akan memakan waktu sekitar empat bulan. - Manual Uncoiler ,Guiding Platform ,Coil Strip Leveler ,Main Body Of Roll Forming Machine, Electro-Motor, Hole-Punch Device ,Cutting Device ,Hydraulic Station ,PLC Control.
Manual Uncoiler, Platform Pemandu, Coil Strip Leveler, Badan Utama Mesin Pembentukan Gulung, Motor Elektro, Perangkat Lubang-Punch, Perangkat Pemotong, Stasiun Hidraulik, Kontrol PLC.