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elude artinya

contoh kalimat "elude"
  • elucidative:    penjelasan
  • elucidation:    menerangkan; penjelasan
  • eluded:    menghindar
  • elucidating:    menerangkan; bersifat menjelaskan
  • eluding:    menghindari
  • elucidated:    menerangkan
  • elucidate:    menerangkan; menjelaskan; menerang; menghamparkan; mencuraikan; mempertegas; menyinari; menegaskan; mencerahkan; membayankan; melapangkan; mencahayai; jelas; memperjelas; menerangi; melegakan; menje
  • elul observances:    perayaan elul
  • Did you think you could elude us forever, Carlos?
    Kau pikir bisa menghindari kami selamanya, Carlos?
  • "One of the victims managed to elude the killer."
    "Salah satu korban berhasil Lolos dari pembunuh."
  • No, she had a head start. She didn't elude us.
    Tidak, dia punya kepala mulai.
  • Does my last bodyguard's death fucking elude?
    Apakah pengawal terakhirku yang mati terhindar dari itu?
  • The truth, a concept that continues to elude you.
    Kebenaran... Konsep yang akan terus mempermalukanmu.
  • Its simplest ebbs and turns elude your meager understanding.
    Hal paling sederhana yang tak perlu kau pahami.
  • elude our attack boatDallas, which was trailingRed October.
    ... Untuk menghindari boatDallas menyerang kami, yang trailingRed Oktober.
  • That's how he was able to elude capture.
    Itulah cara dia bisa menghindari penangkapan.
  • Elude Interpol, arrive in Boston, and get himself apprehended.
    Mengelabui Interpol, tiba di Boston, Dan membuat dirinya tertangkap.
  • Did you find him... Or did he elude us again?
    Apakah Anda menemukan dia Atau dia menghindari kami lagi?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"
    Sinonim: hedge, fudge, evade, put off, circumvent, parry, skirt, dodge, duck, sidestep,

  • escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation"
    Sinonim: evade, bilk,

  • be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by; "What you are seeing in him eludes me"
    Sinonim: escape,