Masuk Daftar

emergence artinya

contoh kalimat "emergence"
  • An emergence point for whatever lives below.
    Tempat munculnya makhluk yang hidup di bawah bumi.
  • Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?
    Kebangkitan Archie bergaya Efron dari kepompong pubertasnya?
  • The emergence of a sudden. You got what?
    Kemunculan yang tiba-tiba. kau tak apa?
  • The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level.
    Mekanika kuantum harus dipertahankan relativitasnya.
  • Birds witnessed the emergence of flowering plants.
    Burung-burung menjadi saksi munculnya tumbuhan-tumbuhan berbunga.
  • Her emergence marks the beginning of spring.
    Kemunculannya menandai awal dari musim semi.
  • Processes that result in the emergence of such identification are called ethnogenesis.
    Proses-proses yang melahirkan identifikasi seperti itu disebut etnogenesis.
  • His reign saw the emergence of the Samanids as a powerful force.
    Pemerintahannya memandang munculnya Samaniyah sebagai dinasti yang kuat.
  • Emergence is strongly related to nonlinearity.
    Kemunculan sangat terkait dengan nonlinieritas.
  • All envisaged, in the fullness of time, the emergence of a Jewish state.
    Semuanya sejalan, dalam memenuhi waktu, penghimpunan negara Yahudi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent
    Sinonim: egress, egression,

  • the act of emerging
    Sinonim: emersion,

  • the becoming visible; "not a day''s difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins"
    Sinonim: egress, issue,

  • the gradual beginning or coming forth; "figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece"
    Sinonim: outgrowth, growth,