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enclosure artinya

pengucapan: [ in'kləuʒə ]  audio:
kata benda plural: enclosures   
contoh kalimat "enclosure"
  • The enclosures open only from the top, yes?
    Kandang ini hanya bisa dibuka dari atas, benar?
  • Inside the enclosure two monuments are visible.
    Di dalam masjid terlihat dua konsep ruang yang berbeda.
  • A weak enclosure between the jaguars and the tigers.
    Tempat hewan kurang kuat Antara jaguar dengan harimau.
  • Look, they're not called cages, they're called enclosures.
    Dengar, namanya' bukan kandang, Tapi tempat hewan.
  • I mean, we've gotta get him into the enclosure.
    Maksudku, kita harus memasukkannya ke kandangnya.
  • Binky's new enclosure opened in May 1977.
    Kandang baru Binky dibuka pada bulan Mei 1977.
  • Secure cryptoprocessor, generally within a secure enclosure.
    Kriptoprosesor Aman, umumnya dalam bagian rangka yang aman.
  • Al-Mutawakkil lined the enclosure of Prophet Muhammad's tomb with marble.
    Al-Mutawakkil memimpin pelapisan makam Nabi dengan marmer.
  • She is sponsoring us for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.
    Dia mensponsori kita untuk Royal Enclosure di Ascot.
  • Have you found an enclosure to your taste?
    Temukan tempat yang sesuai dengan seleramu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of enclosing something inside something else
    Sinonim: enclosing, envelopment, inclosure,

  • a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose

  • something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter
    Sinonim: inclosure,

  • a naturally enclosed space
    Sinonim: natural enclosure,