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endowment artinya

kata benda plural: endowments   
contoh kalimat "endowment"
  • Right. My investment group handles their endowment fund.
    Benar... kelompok investasi saya menangani dana abadi mereka.
  • The endowment was given to Ahmose-Nefertari and her descendants.
    Penganugerahan itu diberikan kepada Ahmose-Nefertari dan keturunannya.
  • Mazlo was in Liechtenstein the day that Lucille's endowment evaporated.
    Mazlo adalah Liechtensteinu yang hari ketika Lucillein uang menghilang.
  • The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    Yayasan Dana Abadi Carnegie untuk Perdamaian Internasional.
  • And we are now in the process of raising the full endowment.
    Dan kini kami sedang memproses peningkatan sumbangan penuh.
  • How about the palace gives you an endowment, and the Red Cross Committee matches it?
    Bagaimana Kerjaanannya, dan komunitas masyarakat.
  • This home belongs to the Carlyle Endowment.
    Rumah ini milik Yayasan Carlyle.
  • Lucille Jackson trusts you to manage a $150 million endowment.
    Lucille Jackson memberi Anda untuk mengelola dana sebesar $ 150 juta.
  • Springer endowment for the arts?
    Sumbangan Springer untuk seni?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of endowing with a permanent source of income; "his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time"

  • natural abilities or qualities
    Sinonim: gift, talent, natural endowment,

  • the capital that provides income for an institution
    Sinonim: endowment fund,