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engine artinya

pengucapan: [ 'endʒin ]  audio:
kata benda plural: engines   
contoh kalimat "engine"
  • How many engines on the wing of that Boeing?
    Berapa banyak mesin di sayap Boeing itu?
  • What happens if one of the engines stops?
    Apa yang terjadi jika salah satu mesinnya mati?
  • He said that it would overheat the engine.
    Kata ayah, mesin mobilnya akan menjadi terlalu panas.
  • Why is Google the search engine of choice for you?
    Mengapa mesin pencarian Google menjadi pilihanmu?
  • For example, you try to make a jet engine.
    Contohnya, ketika Anda mencoba membuat mesin jet.
  • I've had the men go over the engines again.
    Aku sudah meminta orang2 ke mesin lagi.
  • How long can we fly on one engine?
    Berapa lama kita bisa terbang dengan satu mesin?
  • Baldy, that car is parked with the engine on
    Botak, mobil itu parkir dengan mesin menyala
  • Booster hydraulic power units have started. Go for main engine start.
    Unit hidrolik booster sudah dinyalakan.
  • I'm losing power to the port impulse engine.
    Aku kehilangan daya ke mesin impuls sebelah kiri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • motor that converts thermal energy to mechanical work

  • an instrument or machine that is used in warfare, such as a battering ram, catapult, artillery piece, etc.; "medieval engines of war"

  • a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks
    Sinonim: locomotive, locomotive engine, railway locomotive,

  • something used to achieve a purpose; "an engine of change"